"Dave W." wrote in message
> "Mike Pearce" wrote:
>> Gumbo is probably a good choice. I made some duck and andouille gumbo
>> this
>> past weekend it wasn't too bad. I used store bought duck. With all of the
>> other flavors in gumbo I wouldn't think that the gaminess of the duck
>> would
>> be too over powering. I wouldn't marinate it.
> All right! I got the duck and I got the andouille and I only wish I had
> picked up some tasso when we drove up through Louisiana last week. But
> it was a Sunday and I think the grocery folks were at Mass (those
> Catholics!)
You just didn't look hard enough. Every grocery store around here has tasso
and most are open on Sundays. I've got some tasso in my refrigerator. You
are welcome to it. Just come on by.
>> http://foodfest.neworleans.com/rec_inv.php?RESID=333
<Snip Gumbo Recipe>
> Sounds great and very close to my standard Gumbo ... except for the lack
> of Okra. I always put Okra in Gumbo .... but I'm an old German. What
> do I know?
> Thanks Mike!
> Dave W.
You're welcome. Okra or no okra is one of the great gumbo debates. I'm in
the no okra camp. One thing is that if you use okra you can't use file or
you'll never be allowed in Louisiana again. People might disagree as to
whether gumbo should have okra or file but almost everyone agrees they
should never be used together.