On Thu, 20 Jan 2005 14:20:33 -0500, "Virginia Tadrzynski"
> wrote:
>The smoker who pops the butt out the window also doesn't use the ashtray in
>the car either.....says 'this way no one will know that I smoke in the
>car'......Horsecrap.......it's on their breath, in their hair, on their
>clothing so of course it is in the car even if they don't smoke while
>driving and oh so smuggly pop the butt out the window.
>(who knows too many people who claim this is the reason they do it)
The DH smokes, Ginny, much to my chagrin. That said, I had a visit
with a neurosurgeon about my back (spinal stenosis and a misaligned
disk, thanks to a b*stard from Texas who knocked me halfway down
Copper Mountain skiing a few years ago - could have read the name,
"Rossignol" in the bruise on my back). I'm about to start physical
therapy prepatory to back surgery and he cautioned me about being
around smokers. The DH, who was along for the visit (I didn't want to
have to relay the conversation, 50% of which I'd likely relay
sideways), volunteered that he didn't smoke in the house or around me.
The doc was unimpressed and said I was still getting second hand smoke
from his clothes, his hair, his lungs and that the two worst
candidates for this type of surgery are diabetics and smokers.
I can understand, actually, as the DH doesn't hang his jackets or
coats in the hall closet b/c they stink up all of my jackets and coats
and there is *nothing* you can do to air them out except send them to
the cleaners.
Terry "Squeaks" Pulliam Burd
"If the soup had been as hot as the claret, if the claret had been as
old as the bird, and if the bird's breasts had been as full as the
waitress's, it would have been a very good dinner."
-- Duncan Hines
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