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  #7 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Now that wouldn't be the same one that tried to charge us 65 dollars
for three cups of coffee would it. {and the coffee was cold}. We went
for a meal and finally walked out because in an hour and a half we got
exactly three cups of coffee in a place that had... three groups of
people. Total bodies called customers? 9. Staff counted? 16.

Finally called the manager, said why we were leaving. He said sorry
and the coffee is on us then the ditz of a waitperson ran after us with
someone elses check. We were extremely angry. Three groups, no service
and then to try and give us someone elses check who actually HAD food.
And if it was like the service I am glad they missed us...

BTW Pizza Hut was great that night with extremely fast food or else we
were just starved for anything at that point.

Grismalkin wrote:
> >evergene wrote:
> >

> >

> We had a bad experience in Williamsburg. We sat in a restaurant,

rather nice,
> and didn't get any attention for a long time. We finally walked out.