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Tiger Lily
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"Bob (this one)" > wrote in message com...
Dr. Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD wrote:

> I stand corrected not by you but by a kind soul who has informed me that
> "omer" in Hebrew literally means "a certain unit of weight." So an
> "omer" probably was about 2 pounds (or almost 1 kilogram) because that
> is all that someone needs to reach and maintain "ideal" body weight,
> ime:

As predicted. Chung stands corrected, he says and then offers the same
error that he started with. But this time he offers utterly spurious
and unfounded logic to reach an arrogantly self-serving conclusion.
Same old, same old...

The very simple fact of the matter is that an omer is a very
*specific* unit of weight and that unit is 3.5 liters. End of story.
It's like saying a pound is a certain unit of weight. It is,, of
course, but it has absolute standards, just like an omer.

As for "all that someone needs" as a criterion to dismiss historical
records, it's the same shabby display of Chung's egocentricity that he
always does when his blunders are called to his attention. He's right
and knowledgeable and experienced authorities are wrong.

As usual, he's wrong and as usual, he tries to ignore the elephant in
the room and spouts sound and fury to divert attention from it. How
stupid does he think everyone is?

This is why he exemplifies charlatanry and quackery. This is why he's
seen as inherently dishonest. This is why he simply cannot be trusted
in his pronouncements. If he's willing to lie and be this deliberately
obtuse about these trifles, why should anyone believe he's any other
way the rest of the time? It's so predictable a pattern of behavior
that it should be a foregone conclusion he'll lie and dissemble to
avoid admitting a blunder. He *says* he does, but he seems to lie
about it.

Let's see. He says he admits mistakes. Then he lies about the mistakes
so he doesn't have to admit it. I'd say that's certainly a picture of
mental health and outstanding integrity.


leaves one wondering about his dismissal in Ocalla 'for just cause'.........
just cause he can't admit he's wrong?