"Fifo" > wrote in message ..
>I am sorry but I can't understand how 20 feet of walking could possibly
> matter so much to so many people.
The point of this is not the waling 20 feet, it is the special privileges
for those that are healthy at the expense of thse that may not be.
> I am serious, people go to the gym to walk for 30 minutes on
> the threadmill.
And some of lthese people will fight to park as close as they can to the gym
door, but that is another topic.
> I'd have no problem with mothers having parking privilleges. I also
> think granny should park closer. Anybody who wants to park as close as
> they can to the door is welcome to go ahead.
Exacty. First come, first spots if that is what they want. Just don't mark
off spots for special interest (asside from the Handicapped) to garner a few
points with them. The only thing worse is when emplolyees park close to the
door. they may be ther for 8 hours and block a close spot from granny (and
maybe 12 or 20 others over the course of the shift) who must walk further
in the rain.
> I always park on the
> furthest side of the lot anyway - tons of space and no fat ass SUV
> doors scratching my paint.
I do the same most days for the same reason, plus, I spend too much time at
a desk and enjoy the walk. But on the occasion that I spent 8 or 9 hours on
my feet in very hot weather and I stop at the store on the way home, I'm
taking the closest spot I can get.