Wow, that was good oatmeal
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Wayne Boatwright
Posts: n/a
On Fri 21 Jan 2005 11:31:05p, Bob called across the abyss...
>> Question.... is a 2 qt measuring cup also the same as a
>> 4 "cup" measuring cup?
>> Im looking to buy a glass measuring cup to cook my
>> oatmeal in my microwave with..... and not sure what
>> size I need.
>> Wlamart had a 4 CUP anchor hocking brand. Is that the size needed?
> Four cups is only ONE quart. If the recipe calls for a 2-quart measure,
> you need a container twice as big. But 2 quarts seems pretty big for a
> measuring vessel; it's equal to half a gallon -- and that's a lot of
> oatmeal! I think my biggest measuring vessel is 4 cups.
> Bob
I have glass measuring cups from 1 cup to 8 cups and find, even for 3-4
cups of food to cook, that the 8 cup measure works better in the microwave.
Foods like oatmeal, cooked in quite a bit of liquid, tend to boil up and
sometimes foam up and go over the container if it's not overly large.
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