In article >, notbob
> wrote:
> I swear, I don't know how you ppl do it. This CA wimp is driven back
> indoors by
> by a windy 43 deg F morning. I can't even imagine cold that can do this:
> Sure, we get a lot of snow in the Sierra's and we have our share of
> incidents (Donner party), but this is just plain scary.
> nb
The 65-year old guy who left his van? Rule #1 is don't leave your
vehicle. Rule #2 is make sure someone knows when you left, where
you're going, what your route is, and when you expect to arrive.
I can take bitter cold for a while, knowing I have a warm place to
return to. It can be invigorating. I feel for the homeless who don't
have the promise of a warm bed at night. And I didn't envy the road
crew that was working on the leaky watermain three houses down yesterday
-- for about 8-9 hours. When I went to retrieve my airpot, two young
guys were in the hole -- one had waterboots on, the other didn't -- and
no gloves and he was on his knees in the mud. "Shit for brains" is what
was going through my head.
I'm leaving in 20 minutes for the Fifth Annual Pirohy Marathon with
Brother Dan and Niece Patty. (I've got the first two batches of dough
made and *I'll* be making the cottage cheese filling when I get to Dan's
-- his sucks.
I'll have two coats in my car, boots, scarves, and a cell phone. And
Rob will know how I plan to get there. I'll check in when I get to
We love this weather -- it keeps the riff-raff out.
-Barb, <> Trip Report and pics added 1-13-05
"I read recipes the way I read science fiction: I get to the end and
say,'Well, that's not going to happen.'" - Comedian Rita Rudner,
performance at New York, New York, January 10, 2005.