My husband orders for me at restaurants, but just because it's a traditional
(if old fashioned, I know) point of etiquette, and (to me) a courtesy.
This is all IMHO.
On the other hand, I do the taxes at home, pay bills, and have run a $3
million budget at work (i.e., preparing the budget and allocating the use of
funds, and overseeing the spending of the budget---which included screening
the requests for the uses of the monies & turning down requests when
necessary). So I'm quite capable of running finances. In my previous life,
I was a high school principal and later assistant superintendent in charge
of special programs, so I dealt with the federal and state monies, grants,
and local monies. I "knew where the money was" better than any other
administrator on the curriculum side of the operation.
But I still enjoy those old-fashioned courtesies from my husband and grown
sons. And I've noticed that my sons extend the same courtesies to their
wives, who are also professional women.
Not for everyone ---- just IMHO.
"Puester" > wrote in message
> Edwin Pawlowski wrote:
>> It may be old fashioned but my wife still likes for me to order for her
>> also because it makes her feel special getting treated like a queen.
>> Unfortunately, the staff will always ask her first. My wife has never
>> paid the bill or pumped gas in her car, or started a fire in the wood
>> stove either.
> I understand where you are both coming from, Ed, but she's
> going to be up the creek if you ever get debilitated enough
> to not provide those services for her. That's too much like
> not teaching your kids the Usefull Skills before turning them
> loose ont he world.
> I know too many women who don't know how to pay a bill or
> (figuratively) change a lightbulb, and it's not pleasant
> when they are required to do so.
> gloria p