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Steve Calvin
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Damsel wrote:
> On Sat, 22 Jan 2005 11:22:59 -0500, Steve Calvin >
> wrote:
>>Yup, a snow storm's the best time to go out. Everyone who has no clue
>>how to drive in it (the majority of people around here) is sitting home
>>afraid to open the front door let alone start the car.
>>After it cranks up here (shortly from the looks of the radar) we're
>>headed out in search of a decent elliptical machine.

> YOU ARE NOT! Shovel, man, shovel! That's all the exercise you need!
> Carol

SHOVEL?!? That's sacrilege! I'll use the blower thank you very much!
;-) I'd much rather be lazy and exercise in the basement where it's
heated and I've got a boob tube to watch.

About 2" down so far and it's snowing pretty good. I just hit the
starter for the truck so in about 10 minutes or so when it's warmed up
we'll head out in search of one of those things.

Nanc want's the elliptical 'cause her knees are shot from some very
serious skiing for years, no more though.


Ever wonder about those people who spend $2.00 apiece on those little
bottles of Evian water? Try spelling Evian backwards...