Bob wrote:
> Carol replied:
>>>After it cranks up here (shortly from the looks of the radar) we're
>>>headed out in search of a decent elliptical machine.
>>YOU ARE NOT! Shovel, man, shovel! That's all the exercise you need!
> While shoveling *is* exercise, I've never heard of someone throwing out
> their back using an elliptical machine.
> Gee, Carol, you're MEAN! :-)
> Bob
eh, she's really a pussycat ;-)
Just got back. Snowin' but nothing really serious. It started around
1:00p.m. or so and we probably have around three inches down.
Just for your info Ms. Carol, we got a Vision Fitness elliptical.
They're takin' that sucker downstairs to the basement though! AND, I'm
using the snow blower tomorrow. ;-)
OB food: 2 slabs of ribs are in the WSM doing nicely. We should be
chowing down on those bad boys around 6:00p.m. Sauce on the side for me
but my better half prefers wet ribs so I'll start moppin' them shortly.
I'm doin' wilted spinach and mashed potatoes to go with 'em. Yeah,
yeah, I know but we just feel like having mashed potatoes.
Ever wonder about those people who spend $2.00 apiece on those little
bottles of Evian water? Try spelling Evian backwards...