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On Sat, 22 Jan 2005 16:38:17 -0500, Steve Calvin >

>Bob wrote:
>> Gee, Carol, you're MEAN! :-)

>eh, she's really a pussycat ;-)

See? I told you someone was bound to "out" me!

>Just got back. Snowin' but nothing really serious. It started around
>1:00p.m. or so and we probably have around three inches down.

We've got about a foot here, but the drifts ... man, oh man!

>Just for your info Ms. Carol, we got a Vision Fitness elliptical.
>They're takin' that sucker downstairs to the basement though! AND, I'm
>using the snow blower tomorrow. ;-)


>OB food: 2 slabs of ribs are in the WSM doing nicely. We should be
>chowing down on those bad boys around 6:00p.m. Sauce on the side for me
>but my better half prefers wet ribs so I'll start moppin' them shortly.
> I'm doin' wilted spinach and mashed potatoes to go with 'em. Yeah,
>yeah, I know but we just feel like having mashed potatoes.

If I get around to it, I'm making chicken stew with dumplings, and a pot of
chicken soup. If I am too sleepy (my meds really do me in, which is why I
post in spurts), I'll just make soup. Either that, or Crash can learn to
make chicken stew. Hey, that's the ticket!

"Years ago my mother used to say to me... She'd say,
'In this world Elwood, you must be oh-so smart or oh-so pleasant.'
Well, for years I was smart.... I recommend pleasant. You may quote me."

*James Stewart* in the 1950 movie, _Harvey_