Damsel wrote:
>>OB food: 2 slabs of ribs are in the WSM doing nicely. We should be
>>chowing down on those bad boys around 6:00p.m. Sauce on the side for me
>>but my better half prefers wet ribs so I'll start moppin' them shortly.
>> I'm doin' wilted spinach and mashed potatoes to go with 'em. Yeah,
>>yeah, I know but we just feel like having mashed potatoes.
> If I get around to it, I'm making chicken stew with dumplings, and a pot of
> chicken soup. If I am too sleepy (my meds really do me in, which is why I
> post in spurts), I'll just make soup. Either that, or Crash can learn to
> make chicken stew. Hey, that's the ticket!
> Carol
You mean that you don't have that boy trained YET?!? :-0 Hell, I can't
remember the last time I didn't cook excluding going out or to friends.
But the flip side of that I s'pose is I don't recall the last time I did
dishes either! Hm... then again, that's what the dishwasher does except
for the knives and big pots huh? Maybe I need to re-think this. ;-)
OB food: Off to mop her ribs, get the potatoes on and clean spinach.
Ever wonder about those people who spend $2.00 apiece on those little
bottles of Evian water? Try spelling Evian backwards...