Daniel wrote:
> I don't think this is OT: To get a real pizza, one shall cook it in a brick
> oven stuffed with wood fire.
> And that's pizza....
> OK, recipes have been sophisticating this original pizza practice quite a
> lot, but the principle remain the same: Thin slice of circular bread with
> whatever you want on it, then brick oven...
> The Frog footnote: THIN slice of bread. The one inch thick stuff you can get
> at Pizza Hut is NOT pizza. Well, not the real original one.....It shall be
> crispy!
> Cheers
> Daniel
Yes it is off topic, but of no concern, if in doubt, post as OT. BBQ
here is primarily meat cooked outside, using coals and or coals/wood for
the stout at heart and for the light weights, propane.
The modern version of where pizza came from, and this is expoused by
Pizzaria Uno in Chicago, that when in Italy during World War 2, the
yanks saw Italians with thin bread with tomato sauce and perhaps one or
two items added to it, not really what Americans think of pizza. One of
these soldiers returned to the US after the war and started tinkering
with this idea for his drinking establishment in Chicago, eventually
turned it into the Chicago deep dish pizza which IMHO is great! I found
the recipe for it in a Frugal Gourmet cook book.
Mike Willsey (Piedmont)
"The Practical Bar-B-Q'r!"
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