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Mickey Zalusky
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Default Question on rib roast..

Uncle Vinnie wrote:
> Hi, I'd like to ask some advice on a 3 1/2 lb boneless rib roast...
> I cook fairly successfully, a 12lb prime rib by searing the outside first,
> then cooking it at 200 for 6 hours... (30min p/lb).
> Can I apply that same technique to the smaller, boneless rib roast??? I
> tend to think yes, but thought I better double check! Thank you!

We let our 6 lb. roast sit out of the refrigerator for an hour before
putting it in the oven. W did not sear it. It took our 3 hours at 225
degrees (convection) (or 30 min. per pound) to get to an internal temp.
of 130 degrees. We then removed it from the oven to rest for 30 minutes
before slicing. It was medium rare (pink throughout) and delicious.