Thread: Rabbit and ????
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  #8 (permalink)   Report Post  
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In article >, 225
(Hunt) wrote in :
>> In article >, 225
>>>I am fixing rabbit in a preparation that includes chestnuts and
>>>My wine choices are
>>>white: Chassange Montrachet 1999 (the fullest white I have ready to
>>>go with body to match the dish somewhat)
>>>red: Chianti Classico, Montepulciano d'Abruzzo, Moulin a vent (DeBoeuf
>>>2003), Ermitage du Pic St. Loop (Coteaux du Languedoc) 2001
>>>any ideas??

>> My "first choice" would be a Chassagne Montrachet rouge, but as you
>> didn't mention it, I assume that you might not have one handy. Next
>> would be any number of Burgs, next OR/US PNs, then CndPs, or a
>> Croze-Hermitage. Then I'd look to the Moulin a Vent, and finally the
>> Montepulciano d'Abruzzo.
>> Lets see what others choose for you,
>> Hunt

>Well I went with the first choice the Chassange Montrachet Morey et Fils
>1999 and it was a greeat choice. I understand your choices, Hunt. If I
>had a really good red Burgundy it would have tempted me, but at the last
>moment (decant time) I tasted the sauce and realized that it was such a
>perfect fit for the chassagne slightly nutty and fairly light. After I
>opened the Chassange I couldn't even see a red with this dish.
>(Rabbit simmered in a bed of onion, sage, rosemary, garlic, mushrooms
>and chestnuts)
>there were other wines that were available, but who would have paired an
>Amarone? or a Cal Cab S.?
>Had I gone with the Burgundy or the St. Joseph I keep always close at
>hand, all would have been good I am sure. That is one of the joys of
>pairing, a lot of things work, what is important is what worked tonight.
>thank you all

I'm glad that the pairing, and the meal, went well. I will use ANY excuse to
open a C-Montrachet, blanc or rouge! I'll keep your match for future reference
and will try it. Looking onto the golf course today, I see that this is a good
year for bunnies - hm-m, maybe sooner than I thought? No, I think I'll wait
for the appropriate opportunity.
