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Dr. Richard E. Hawkins
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In article >,
Bruce_Nolte_N3LSY& > wrote:

>Using second run wine to top off the first would probably be better than
>pouring some "wine in a box" type wine to top off the carboys. Who knows
>what is in that stuff!

Almost everything except grapes

Have you looked at those boxes on the shelf recently? I don't remember
why I did, but almost none of them are wine. OK, they have some in
them, but they're primarily other fermented gook with some wine mixed in
in an attempt to approximate the taste of wine. Out of more than a
dozen on the shelf, I think two were wine rather than "beverage with
wine added" or some such.

It's even worse with wine coolers. Putting aside the questions of why
people would want to cut their wine like that, and why they're too lazy
to mix in the soda themselves, there's no wine left in them--they're
"fermented barley beverages". That's right: bleached beer, as in
(*shudder*) Zima.

hawk, horrified
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