I said poppy seed filling, NOT the seeds themselves, if you read what
I wrote, so you do NOT need to grind them by hand... they are already
ground in the filling. Besides that, for the rare occasion, you can
also use a mortar and pestle to grind them a bit or crush the hull of
the seeds so that you can make the filling, rather than buy a special
On Sat, 22 Jan 2005 20:08:05 GMT, "Vox Humana" >
>"RsH" > wrote in message
.. .
>> To find poppy seed filling in Canada, go to almost any Jewish bakery
>> or food supplier or store. Poppy Seed filling is a common ingredient
>> in Jewish baked goods. Should be easy to find in Toronto, Montreal,
>> or other cities with large Jewish populations. In the rest of Canada,
>> see if you can find it via mail order.
>Getting the ingredients isn't the issue. You have to grind the seeds in a
>special grinder. As much as I love poppy seed filling, I don't use enoght
>of it to justify buying a poppy seed grinder.
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