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Vox Humana
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"RsH" > wrote in message
> I said poppy seed filling, NOT the seeds themselves, if you read what
> I wrote, so you do NOT need to grind them by hand... they are already
> ground in the filling. Besides that, for the rare occasion, you can
> also use a mortar and pestle to grind them a bit or crush the hull of
> the seeds so that you can make the filling, rather than buy a special
> mill.

Here is exactly what you wrote:
"See for the ingredients
that make up the filling. Basically it is poppy seed, sugar and water.
I have seen it be poppy seed, honey and water as well. Look up
recipes for mohn filling and you will get lots of ways to make poppy
seed fillings quickly and for less money, since the plain poppy seed
is always the main ingredient"

So you point to a source for INGREDIENTS and suggested the you would "get
lots of recipes for mohn fillings ...." In order to MAKE filling from
plain poppy seed," the seeds have to be ground. Have you actually ground
poppy seeds in a mortar and pestle (which I would also have to buy)? I
would be just as well off buying a poppy seed grinder. I can buy filling
for less than the price of the pre-ground seeds in your link.