In article >,
LenS > wrote:
> So what do I want? I'd like to see some comment on farfel; how it's
> used (other than the baked goods), its history, anything to help a
> farfel-deprived but otherwise lovable septuagenarian.
We basically use it for a sort of stuffing. First, we make gravy--rather
different than a typical one, but the only one that tastes right to me.
When we cook a turkey, we add two or three onions, three carrots, and
(usually but not always) a stalk or two of celery. They're cut up into
small pieces and cooked with the turkey. When the turkey is ready to be
sliced, the vegetables are removed and put through a food mill or
blender, adding enough of the juice from the pan to make it pourable
(and/or to enable to blender to work with it). This mixture is cooked
down in a small pot over a low flame until it's thicker (by
evaporation), then the hot gravy is poured over a big bowl of farfel and
served. Fabulous stuff; it gets finished very quickly.
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