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Dave Smith
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Wayne Boatwright wrote:

> > Combine sugar and flour, cut in batter, make it coarse. Sprinkle over
> > the apples to cover completely. Slide the pie into a large brown paper
> > bag. Fold ends and fasten (staples are the best). Bake at 450 degrees
> > for one hour. When baked tear bag away and cool the pie on the rack.
> >

> Oh, Margaret, that's a wonderful pie! I was given virtually the same
> recipe by the mother of a friend of mine back in 1962, and I've been baking
> it ever since. The only difference is that the topping calls for brown
> sugar.
> If I hadn't just baked a cake this afternoon, I'd bake one.
> BTW, the bag definitely will not burn. It will get a little "crisp" and
> somewhat fragile, but no burning, I assure you.
> Oh, one more thing, the time and temp in my recipe is a little
> different...1 to 1-1/4 hours at 400 degrees F.

I was wondering about that. The flash point for paper is 451 F. While 450
degrees is under the flash point I would not want to count on the thermostat
and heat variation in the oven not to exceed that and start a fire. Your 400 F
setting sounds much better.