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Margaret Suran wrote:
> A friend sent me this recipe. She said that it is a very good recipe
> and that I should not be afraid to put the paper bag into the oven.
> Fairmont, San Jose 4th Annual Apple Pie Competition
> November 2004
> #1 Prize Winner: Patricia Nunes of San Jose
> Brown Bag Apple Pie Recipe
> Ingredients:
> 6 Large Newton Pippin Apples
> 1/2 Cup of Sugar
> 2 Tablespoons of Flour
> 1/2 Teaspoon of Nutmeg
> 2 Tablespoons of Lemon Juice
> Pare, core and slice the apples. Combine sugar, flour and nutmeg.
> Sprinkle over apples then toss to coat thoroughly. Spoon into unbaked
> pie shell (9 inch.). Drizzle with lemon juice and cover with topping.
> Topping:
> 1/2 Cup of Sugar
> 1/2 Cup of Flour
> 1/2 Cup of Butter
> Combine sugar and flour, cut in batter, make it coarse. Sprinkle over
> the apples to cover completely. Slide the pie into a large brown paper
> bag. Fold ends and fasten (staples are the best). Bake at 450 degrees
> for one hour. When baked tear bag away and cool the pie on the rack.

What's the benefit of the paper bag?
It seems as though it would make the topping and the crust soggy.

gloria p