On Wed 19 Jan 2005 09:17:40p, Puester tittered and giggled, and giggled
and tittered, and finally blurted out...
> Wayne Boatwright wrote:
>> All of those are fond memories for me, too.
>> The other memory is of a rather unique store where my parents
>> bought poultry. It was called "Pic-A-Chic", where live chickens were
>> on display. Customers chose the chicken they wanted. The clerk would
>> take the chicken to the back room for killing, then return with it to
>> the front to use the plucking machine for all to see. The freshly
>> killed and cleaned chicken was then packaged for the customer.
>> Wayne
> I remember seeing that only at the kosher chicken store.
> I remember a store downtown that sold only butter and eggs
> (and maybe other dairy products, but I don't remember those.)
> And the store next to it sold only coffee beans. It was not
> uncommon to make four or more stops for groceries--butcher,
> greengrocer, coffee, the delicatessen, and Kennedy's butter-and-egg
> store.
> The only take-out I remnember was a series of hole-in-the-wall
> fish and chip shops that were open only Fridays in our heavily
> Catholic city.
> My parents owned a neighborhood market, so I wasn't
> exposed to a lot of other food stores, growing up.
> gloria p
My parents went to a separate butcher, too, but most everything else was
from the supermarket. My parents always put in a large vegetable garden in
the summer and grew most of our vegetables. They also canned, froze, and
pickeled vegetables and fruits.
I don't remember fish and chips shops, as our family ate very little fish,
and usually only fish that my dad caught when he went on fishing trips. I
do remember a tiny burger place in St. Louis called White Tower. They were
similar to Royal Castle, White Castle, and other later chains.