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Siobhan Perricone
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On 22 Jan 2005 19:48:05 GMT, (PENMART01) wrote:

>>"Edwin Pawlowski"
>>I worked, she stayed home and took care of the house and kids. That gave
>>them plenty of real Useful Skills for life rather than learning from a day
>>care center.

>Day Care Center is simply a politically correct euphemism for "Orphanage",
>where unwanted children are dumped off so those certain immature, selfish, self
>centered individuals who are incapable of accepting the responsibility can
>rationalize their claim to parenthood.

No, it's just a fancy name for "babysitter" There have always been
babysitters, there always will. Anyone who expects parents to raise
children with any assistance is living in a dream world. Oh right... it's
you, Sheldon.

Siobhan Perricone
Humans wrote the bible,
God wrote the rocks
-- Word of God by Kathy Mar