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Dave Smith
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Default Canadian Mad Cow, was Americans have been eating mad cowsforyears...

The Wolf wrote:

> >> As more information comes in, it looks more and more like that cow came from
> >> Canada. Meanwhile, I'm hoping the hysteria will last long enough for me to
> >> lay in a year's supply of cheap, Florida grown, meat.

> >
> > Actually, as more information comes to light, the origins of the cow is
> > question
> > becomes even more questionable. The US authorities have described the cow as a
> > 9-12 year old and as a hour year old Heifer, but Canadian records show it has
> > being a 6 year old cow who has had two calves. Thus, the cow seems to have had
> > at least three different identities.

> Let's talk common sense. Canada has admitted beef with the disease so what
> can a reasonable person deduce where the U.S. Infected cow came from?

Yes, we acknowledged there was a case of BSE. That cow had no connection at all to
the one that turned up in Washington. Common sense does not dictate pointing the
blame at Canada when there are so many discrepancies about the identity and source
of the infected cow in Washington. Your government provided two different ages for
the infected cow, saying that it was a fully mature (9-12) year old and later that
it was a four year old heifer (had not had any calves), but the records for the cow
from Canada show that it was a 6 year old that had had two calves. Obviously, there
is some confusion over the identification, in which case it would have been prudent
to establish the facts before pointing the finger.