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>"Edwin Pawlowski"
>"Siobhan Perricone" > wrote in message
>> No, it's just a fancy name for "babysitter" There have always been
>> babysitters, there always will. Anyone who expects parents to raise
>> children with any assistance is living in a dream world. Oh right... it's
>> you, Sheldon.

Actually when the kid is institutionalized all day on weekly/monthly/yearly
basis it's called a KENNEL... the kind of mother who cages her kids like a cur
dog on a steady basis is otherwise known as a BITCH.

>Depends. Baby sitters used to be grandma or the nice neighbor lady that
>really cared about your child. Far different than some (note: I said some,
>not all) of the warehouses for kids used today.

Babysitters are for when parents need an occasional evening out... not when
it's all day every day... that's called incarceration... day care centers are
no different from a work release program, the proprietor no different from a

Birthing a child makes one a mother but in no way makes one a parent... and
dumping kids off makes one a lousy mother.


Inflected Form(s): baby-sat /-"sat/; -sit·ting
Etymology: back-formation from baby-sitter
Date: 1947

: to care for children during a short absence of the parents

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