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Dave Whitmarsh
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Default Canadian Mad Cow, was americans have been eating mad cows for years...

On Mon, 29 Dec 2003 15:40:55 GMT, "Morton Davis"
> wrote:

>As more information comes in, it looks more and more like that cow came from

If only your government could get its stories straight it might look
like that. As it stands the merkin officials are, as usual, scurrying
around like headless chickens coming up with tall tales to blame
someone else.
In any case, the fact remains that your funny little colony has been
shown to be infected with mad cow no matter where it came from. Deal
with it, ****head - you're reaping what you've sown.

The Wit and Wisdom of Mort Davis:

On American children rummaging through rubbish for food:
"True, ythey gewt the inbrads in Parliment to do it"

His neo-con solution for world peace:
"When Europe ****s itsself again, I suggest we drop nukes on it until no
human life remains."