Edwin Pawlowski wrote:
> "Siobhan Perricone" > wrote in message
>>No, it's just a fancy name for "babysitter"
There have always been
>>babysitters, there always will. Anyone who expects parents to raise
>>children with any assistance is living in a dream world. Oh right... it's
>>you, Sheldon. 
> Depends. Baby sitters used to be grandma or the nice neighbor lady that
> really cared about your child. Far different than some (note: I said some,
> not all) of the warehouses for kids used today. Some are good, some are,
> well, very poor.
(whine mode on)
But SOMEBODY'S gotta raise the children so Mom and Dad can work
to afford their McMansion, lavish vacations, ski condo, and behemoth
twin SUVs...
gloria p