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Dave Whitmarsh
Posts: n/a
Default Canadian Mad Cow, was americans have been eating mad cows for years...

On Mon, 29 Dec 2003 17:23:08 GMT, "Morton Davis"
> wrote:

>"Dave Smith" > wrote in message
>> Morton Davis wrote:
>> > As more information comes in, it looks more and more like that cow came

>> > Canada. Meanwhile, I'm hoping the hysteria will last long enough for me

>> > lay in a year's supply of cheap, Florida grown, meat.

>> Actually, as more information comes to light, the origins of the cow is

>> becomes even more questionable. The US authorities have described the cow

>as a
>> 9-12 year old and as a hour year old Heifer, but Canadian records show it

>> being a 6 year old cow who has had two calves. Thus, the cow seems to have

>> at least three different identities.
>> > BTW, run a google on your butt-buddy, Dave Whitmarsh's past postings as
>> > Angkor. He is a TROLL.

>> And you are not?

>NOPE. Run a google on me. I've been using my real name online for 20 years.
>Ankor, aka Dave Whitmarsh, has switched his name multiple times because he's
>one on the most killfiled dipshits on usenet.

You're a troll, Mort, pure and simple. And a particularly stupid one
at that.

The Wit and Wisdom of Mort Davis:

On American children rummaging through rubbish for food:
"True, ythey gewt the inbrads in Parliment to do it"

His neo-con solution for world peace:
"When Europe ****s itsself again, I suggest we drop nukes on it until no
human life remains."