Thread: Roast question
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Chris Neidecker
Posts: n/a

Well, by now she's probably cooked and eaten the thing, but my advice would
follow Bob's pretty closely letting the meat come to room temp and then
cooking at 225F. But I would take the meat out at 125-128 and let it stand
for 15 minutes.

I cooked a 3-pound top round last week. Wanted it for beef on weck
sandwiches, so that meant I kept the seasonings pretty simple (just salt &
pepper). I put it in a hot oven (450? can't remember...) for 10 minutes,
then lowered to 225, and cooked it to an internal temp of 130. Let it stand
for about 40 minutes before carving it (we weren't going to eat the
sandwiches til later, and rare beef is easier to slice very thinly after it
cools). It was med rare on the ends, and rare in the middle (overly so for
my tastes, but my husband loved it...he also loved using his new Granton
edge meat slicing knife on it).

For a 2-pound roast, I'd skip the searing step, though.

And Jeanne, I love to cook lots of things when it snows. Now I'm off to
bake some choc chip cookies.
