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Priscilla Ballou
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In article >,
Scott > wrote:

> In article . com>,
> "salgud" > wrote:
> > I've cooked in a wok since 1972, and love it. I've heard this before,
> > that you need blast furnace like heat. It probably works best with
> > blast furnace like heat, but I don't recall reading about many ancient
> > Chinese villages having blast furnaces handy

> But they likely had coal fired stoves, which can get far hotter than a
> typical home kitchen gas stove.

Or other natural substances. To get good heat under the wok up in VT,
my father took one of the lids off the wood cooking stove and put the
wok right down in the hole, over the fire. He had a bushel basket of
pine cones he collected just for Chinese cooking. He'd toss a handful
or two of those in under the wok, and he'd be good to go.


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