"Dee Randall" <deedoveyatshenteldotnet> wrote in message
> "Petra Hildebrandt" > wrote in message
> ...
> > neurocratic malfunction wrote:
> >
> >> over the weekend, i decided to be a little fancy and bought some
> >> imported european chocolate cuz i heard it's so much better than
> >> american stuff.
> >
> > so what exactly did you buy? there's chocolate, and then there's
> > chocolate.
> >
> >> bullshit. american stuff is much better. hershey almond is the best.
> >
> > Now if you consider hersheys almond 'chocolate'... that's sweet candy,
> > but
> > not chocolate to me ,)
> >
> > Petra in Hamburg, Germany
> Does Hershey's have wax in it to keep it from melting so readily on one's
> hands? If not, it sure tastes as if it does.
> Dee
> You can't beat Chocolate from good old Great Britain choice of Cadbury's
Milk Chocolate or Cadbury's bourneville (dark Chocolate)