Damsel wrote:
> On Sun, 23 Jan 2005 10:14:46 -0500, "Bob (this one)" >
> wrote:
>>In New England, clam chowder is usually essentially cream of potato
>>soup with clams in it, with small local variations.
> So, I could make potato leek soup, toss in a can or two of baby clams, and
> I'd have chowder?
> Please say yes, please say yes, please say yes.
> I've never attempted my own clam chowder. Don't know why it makes me so
> nervous. The best I've had has been Campbell's chunky non-concentrated
> soup. I know I can do better. I've just been afraid to try.
> Please say yes, oh Prince of Food.
> Carol
Give it a try...I bet you'll never want Campbell's agian.