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Damsel wrote:
>> In New England, clam chowder is usually essentially
>> cream of potato soup with clams in it, with small local
>> variations.

> So, I could make potato leek soup, toss in a can or two
> of baby clams, and I'd have chowder?
> Please say yes, please say yes, please say yes.

That would work. It wouldn't really be New England clam chowder, but what
do you care? You're in MiniSoda. Call it MiniSoda Clam chowdah.

> I've never attempted my own clam chowder. Don't know why
> it makes me so nervous.

You've probably heard that adding clams to the cream base will make the
milk/cream curdle. It can with fresh clams, but you're probably going to
use canned clams, and unless the cannrd clams are really cold and the base
is really hot (as it should be) your chances of it curdling are likely
slim to none.

> The best I've had has been
> Campbell's chunky non-concentrated soup. I know I can do
> better. I've just been afraid to try.

That stuff can be addictive. Once you've had really good freshly made
N.E. clam chowder, there is no comparisum, but the Campbells is addictive,
and a relatively new "comfort food".