Thread: Weight Watchers
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Wayne Boatwright
Posts: n/a

On Sun 23 Jan 2005 06:24:38p, wrote in

>>Ronnie ... I just joined WW. How are you doing now? Do you recommend?
>>Were you able to maintain your reduced weight? And also were you able
>>to bring up the website?

> Boy do I love this Weight Watchers thing. I just joined last week.
> I've tried the Atkins and South Beach before this, which are
> great....for about a week.
> WW seems to be the most realistic. So far I'm really enjoying filling
> my pantry with more wholesome foods and cereals. And the planning
> ahead makes me look for more interesting gourmet recipes, and trying
> new things.
> I've almost totally cut out booze, and if I do have a cocktail, I'm
> good about counting it against my points.
> I do 3 miles on the treadmill every morning, which gives me 4 extra
> point to work with.
> I have a new appreciation of food and of preparing good meals.
> My goal is 40 pounds, although that would be "high school" weight, so
> 30 may be more realistic.
> Hardest thing: my wife is pregnant.

We did the point system with WW last year and will go back soon. We've
been on "hiatus"for a few months! <G> One tip we followed that eliminated
most of the tedium of choosing foods from the pantry, fridge, or freezer,
was to mark every can, box, bag, etc., with the number of points per
serving as soon as we got home from the store. It made grabbing something
off the shelf simple and painless.
