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Vox Humana
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"Fifo" > wrote in message
> It's nice to see such a child-loving group of people but I think
> children cannot even begin to compete with cell-phones.
> Childrend cry - it develops their lungs and prepares them for their
> future careers. A mon struggling to keep 3 kids under control while
> trying to find food for 5 on a $30 budget is cute and it will never
> annoy me. If these kinds of things annoy you I would probably say
> "Don't get on any flights headed to Orlando, instead fly to Atlanta and
> then drive South."
> BUT... the bozo with the cell phone blocking the isle with a cart while
> simultaneously talking to his buddy and trying to pick a bottle of
> French-sounding wine for under $5/bottle that will impress his
> girlfriend (who at the very same moment is probably trying to pick a
> top for under $10 at the GAP while talking to her cousin on the cell) -

In my area, the parents ARE on the cell phones while the kids are amusing
themselves unattended. As for the crying, they can do that at home. If the
mother is buying food for a family of five that means there is father in the
picture. If the kids aren't able to be civil in a supermarket, then either
the mother or father needs to stay home with the kids while the other parent
shops. That seems like a kindness that the father could bestow on the
mother and would be better for the kids, too. A win-win situation all
around. I find that the people with the kids are likely to have their carts
heaped with convenience foods, snacks, mixes, and other high priced or
nutritionally bankrupt foods which indicates to me that money isn't an