Luiza wrote:
> You are a very adventurous cook. Thanks for the Cuban Mojito tip.I will
> look for it next time I go. Do you think it would be good with ground
> beef? I know carne asada is commonly marinated in orange juice based
> mix.
I'm a little unsure how I'd put the sauce and ground beef together. The
flavors are probably fine together, but the texture and shape of the final
product are what have me a bit puzzled. You could make a kind of Sloppy Joe
with the sauce and loose ground beef; you could shape the beef into oval
patties like Salisbury Steak, brown them, and then simmer with the sauce; or
you could make meat loaf and pour the sauce over the meat in the last
fifteen minutes of cooking. Any of those would probably be fine. I believe
pork chops would also be a very good match; that's what I'm going to try
next time I get the sauce.
> It never occurred to me to make rice with broth. Sounds good!
> I'll try that too. BTW, I really enjoyed how you had so much free time.
> I'm mom to a 5 month old, and the luxury you have (in the denomination
> of minutes) was so delicious to read about. Good job!
Thanks for the compliments, and I hope you enjoy the time you get to spend
with your child!