Thread: Cake Nail?
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Vox Humana
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"JeanineAlyse in 29 Palms" > wrote in message
Vox Humana writes:
>Before getting a cake nail, I would
>recommend getting an oven
>thermometer. It sounds like your oven is
>out of calibration. Unless you are baking
>large (16 inch +), cakes in deep pans,
>you shouldn't be having problems.

Checking with an oven thermometer has continuously proven that often wet
cake centers are not caused by temperature at all. This seems a problem
only when it's a very heavy cake, or with my quick-breads baked in glass
loaf pans (with temp 25 degrees lower than with metal).

Then you must have some other issue. You may be baking the cake too high in
the oven or there may be a technique or ingredient problem. If it were me,
I would solve the root problem rather than fooling around with a cake nail.