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You forgot one:

People who wear too much cologne when they shop.

Carol <EG>

On 24 Jan 2005 14:11:32 -0800, "Fifo" > wrote:

>I am sorry, are we trying to create a complete list of human pettiness
>that can possibly occur in the general vicinity of a grocery store. So
>far, we have the following supreme examples of extrme pettiness:
>1. Kids misbehaving\talking\not talking\eating\generally-being-kids are
>2. Moms with kids are parking-space-hawking\rude\children-bearing
>3. The disabled are
>special-status-abusers who occasionnally also double up as pregnant
>women with kids (see #1 and #2)
>4. Express-line cheating fellons are not unlike serial killers who get
>out of jail on a technicality
>5. Arithmetically and financially challanged people are dweebes
>6. Food-stamp-recepients are french-cheese-munching leeches
>It is a very good start and an incredibly productive discussion (522
>posts and running) with some outstanding and very crteative
>contributions - it never occured to me that some of those things can be
>Should we maybe add:
>- All people who buy food we would never buy?
>- All foreigners - shouldn't they learn proper English and go to their
>enthnic shops in the first place. Plus I am sure they are speaking
>about me behind my back in their impossible la-la-language?
>- All people who buy too many items and block the line for like 5
>- All the people who buy too few items just so they can sneak throuhg
>the express line?
>- All people who pay with a check
>- All people who pay with a credit card (groceries on credit !!!!) -
>either white thrash or trying to cheat the poor airline into giving
>them miles
>- All people who ask for checkout help
>- All people who have questions
>- All married people who keep parading the fact that they are married
>while we are not?
>- All people who are not married but keep parading their girlfriends
>and boyfriends while even our dog ran away?
>- All people who buy frozen dinners instead of going to French
>- All people who are poor - that's deffinetely their fault
>- All people who are rich - can't they order catering instead of
>further crowding the supermarket?
>- In general all the people who are not me - there is something wrong
>with everyone who's not me (and the feeling is reciprocated).