In > posted on
Mon, 24 Jan 2005 20:55:01 -0500, Rabbit wrote:
>>> I will admit, one day I actually said to the person ahead of me in the
>> line,
>>> "What, did you think this was the day that groceries were free?"
>> Which makes you one of the rude people in a grocery store. Politeness
>> requires that you wait quietly for your turn, even if the people in front
>> of
>> you are taking longer than you deem appropriate.
>Ah, but darlin', you mistake "taking longer" with "being an idiot". "Taking
>longer" would mean that the person in front of me was having difficulty
>paying quickly.
>"Being an idiot" means that you stand there, looking blankly out in space
>for several minutes while the cashier rings in your order, and only after
>being told that you owe money do you start the long, drawn-out process of
>hauling up your purse, putting it on the counter, opening it up, fishing for
>the wallet, taking it out, putting the purse down, opening the wallet, and
>searching for the money.
Here I would have to totally agree with "Rabbit". She is >
hereby authorized to print out this post and frame it for
future reference. Just as proof that I sometimes agree with
a post.
>There are times when it is important to be polite. There are other times
>when hitting someone upside the head with a clue-by-four is considered a
>necessary evil for the good of all mankind.
Possibly true, but this does require reasoned judgment, not
berserker emotional reactions, hence it is usually not
required on any of the above groups.
With the exception of correcting people who accuse others of
insulting others sex, gender, religion, or accusing others
of being liars, of course! There are exceptions to every
general rule!