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Siobhan Perricone
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On Mon, 24 Jan 2005 21:51:19 -0500, Goomba38 > wrote:

>But that ignores the fact that AOL used to provide
> come nice exclusive content. Message boards with
>moderation was good for kids and people not quite
>ready for USENET; easy to join moderated chats
>(not the same as the "pick up chat rooms",LOL) and
>the like. They now offer nothing that one can't
>find elsewhere. It didn't used to be that way.

Before AOL became AOL they were QuantumLink, which was a network for
Commodore64 users. They had PeopleConnection then, too. I was using QL in
the late 1980s, and I met my husband in PeopleConnection. He was living
on Long Island, I was living in Alaska. He moved up and we fell in love and
have been together ever since December 5, 1988 (got officially married two
years later but we were emotionally married immediately).

I have a lot of fond memories of the Red Dragon Inn from that time, but I
went in there a few years ago... man has it changed.

Siobhan Perricone
Humans wrote the bible,
God wrote the rocks
-- Word of God by Kathy Mar