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June Oshiro
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Default Mice love Stilton

COTTP wrote:

> Decided to use the glue traps at the time. Well, next day when I came in
> there were two of the little critters stuck to it. What to do, what to
> do.

That's the thing about glue traps - they're alive and stuck and panicked
and crying and you have to kill them. Snap traps are much more humane,
imo. Old bf and I had a glue trapped mouse one time, had to hit its
head with a hammer to kill it. That was just creepy. He wanted to
reuse the trap, so he grabbed the mousey corpse with a paper towel to
remove it, it mostly came off, but its tail was still in the glue.
D'oh. At least it was alreay dead by then.
