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  #16 (permalink)   Report Post  
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In article >, Top Spin > wrote:
>On Mon, 24 Jan 2005 14:21:59 GMT, " <> wrote:
>>We're using Living Cookbook and love it.

>I downloaded the demo yesterday. Very nice interface. Far superior to

What limitations apply to the demo? It says "fully functional" at
but I assume there is some sort of "gotcha" such as can't save more
than five recipes, or only works for 30 days? (As a habitual
procrastinator, I have no use for time limitations in trialware. 8-)

>But, it does not support volume-to-weight unit conversions. I left a

I'm curious as to why you want this? Seems to me it would be rather
difficult to implement given the varying specific gravities across dry
products (and even within them -- e.g. types of sugar).

>suggestion on the message board and got a terse reply. It doesn't look
>like this is somethng they will look at seriously.

Cheers, Phred.
