Thread: Chili Recipe
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>Greetings......Could someone out there please email me a
>good,simple,quick chili
>recipe? Something not too "hot" or "spicy". But meaty, and a good
>thick texture.

>Maybe someone out there has a favorite recipe that they would like to
>pass along.

I have tried this recipe. It's simple and it's good.

Texas Easy Chili

* 3 pounds Chuck roast or Ground beef, cubed or formed into small
* 2 tablespoons Cooking Oil
* 2 cloves of Garlic, minced
* 6 tablespoons Chili powder
* 5 tablespoons All Purpose Flour
* 1 tablespoon Dried Oregano
* 1 teaspoon Ground Cumin
* 3 cups Tomato juice or V-8 Juice
* 3 Beef bullion cubes
* Salt and black pepper to taste

* Garnish - Lime wedges and Sour Cream

1. Cut Chuck roast into bite size pieces or form ground beef into
small meatballs (1 inch size).
2. Fry beef in cooking oil until outside is browned.
3. Add minced garlic and cook for two minutes.
4. Combine Chili powder, Flour, Oregano and Cumin in bowl and mix
well. Sprinkle mixture over cooking beef and stir until beef is well
coated with spice mixture. Cook for 1-minute.
5. Add Tomato Juice and bullion cubes. Stir for about 15-seconds.
6. Simmer for 45-minutes, stirring occasionally.
7. Remove from heat and add salt and black pepper to taste.

Cool and refrigerate overnight to develop flavors. (If you can wait,
if not, enjoy.) Heat and serve in bowls with 1 tablespoon of lime
juice and 1 tablespoon of sour cream added to top. Serve with
cornbread or sourdough bread.

Rusty - Sacramento, CA