Thread: cooking classes
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Julia Altshuler
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Default cooking classes

notbob wrote:

> Not to rain on your parade, but perhaps you are just not a good
> teacher. I've attended many single session cooking classes, most with
> wine served during the class. Very seldom have I encountered the
> attendees chatting and generally ignoring the chef/teacher. Usually,
> the class members are very attentive, paying close attention to the
> instruction. I'm not saying you aren't a good chef, but not everyone
> is cut out to be a teacher.

You may be right. Whenever I teach one-on-one, no matter the subject, I
get compliments. I'm clear and thorough and have a good knack for
discovering the trouble spot and explaining it. With classes, however,
that same clear, step-by-step thorough-ness may well make me boring. I
wouldn't say my students ignore me, but they haven't necessarily been
attentive. I did get the feeling that some thought of the class as
entertainment, and I'm not good at entertaining.
