Jack Curry wrote:
> "Daniel" > wrote in message
> ...
>> Hi everybody,
>> Since I joint this NG, I discovered that BBQing in North
>> America is much more sophisticated than in France.
>> Knowing the reputation of American cuisine in Europe
>> (MacDo, KFC, period) , that's came as a surprise to me.
> Our reputation for fine fast food is well deserved. And
> it's health food, if you're a malnourished Somali or
> suffering from anorexia.
>> Several points:
>> 1 - Cooking method:
>> You BBQ or Grill or Smoke.
>> We only grill and we call that BBQ (Sorry)
>> What's smoking, Uh??
> Smoking requires a lengthy, multi-part explanation, but
> here's a three sentence simplistic version. Cold smoking
> (done at temps under 90°F) is a method of preserving
> food. Hot smoking (generally at temps between 200°F and
> 300°F is a method of slow cooking which flavors the food
> with smoke. The smoke has no function as a preservative.
Snipped a lot of good information...
Jack, you fergot this:
It explains Barbecue mo' betta than anything else.