What you are saying about baking from scratch is so true.
I didn't realize it until (probably 25 years ago) I gave my classes a
writing assignment in which they were to write logical directions for how to
do something. It was just a short assignment.
I mentioned that they could choose to write the steps in making a cake if
they wished.
Without exception, the ones who chose the cake option began their
compositions with "Take a cake mix. . . ."
These girls were taking a home-making class at the time, and I mentioned it
to their home-making teacher. She said, "Oh yes, we bake all our cakes with
My home-making teacher would turn over in her grave. . . .
"Rusty" > wrote in message
> >They either do take out, go out, TV-"dinners",
>>frozen stuff like pot-pies, and even premade and frozen PB&J
> sandwiches
>>for gawd sakes! Now I admit that I don't routinely make bread but I
>>pretty much make much everything else "the old fashioned way."
>>Anyone else noticing a decline in folks like us who enjoy cooking and
>>make the time necessary to indulge ourselves?
> If it wasn't for the freezer and microwave, many people would starve.
> My sister hardly ever uses her cooktop or oven.
> Rusty - Sacramento, CA