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Goomba38 wrote:
> Steve Calvin wrote:
> > As for AOL, if you like it that's great but everything that you

> > with the exception of high-speed access is free anyhow. They're

> > you nothing special.

> This is so true. AOL used to provide a nice,
> somewhat closed (safer) environment that was
> particularly easy for new computer users. Now, it
> offers very directly little from AOL itself and is
> even opening up the previously member only message
> boards (some what moderated, now not) to anyone
> with an internet connection. What they're possibly
> thinking, I can't imagine? Less control, greater
> non-member access and getting rid of some
> particularly handy services. How long can they
> imagine they're going to be competitive and
> attractive to paying members at the rate they're
> going?
> Goomba

Yahoo recently carried an AP or Reuters article about AOL. As their
customer base shrinks, their business plan is to make more money by
selling more advertising.
