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Wayne Boatwright
Posts: n/a

On Tue 25 Jan 2005 12:42:56p, George Beasley tittered and giggled, and
giggled and tittered, and finally blurted out...

> Rusty, I am so glad you mentioned this, because it gives me the
> opportunity to put in my 2 cents. LOL.
> What people don't realize is that with the prepared foods comes a lot of
> junk. Chemicals they put in their bodies every day. And this has an
> accumulative effect. How can they stay healthy that way?
> I think that the only way to stay healthy is to cook from scratch. You
> know exactly what you eat. It may take longer, but you can't beat the
> taste, and the good feeling of keeping your loved ones healthy and well
> cared for.
> I see people my age popping medicine every day for a variety of
> illnesses. A lot of this can be prevented by knowing what you put in
> your body at every meal. I am 64 (since yesterday) and I don't have any
> medicine in my house. Just healthy food.
> Elly

Elly, I hope your day was as special as mine was. Oh, and I couldn't agree
more about what you wrote healthy food.
