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  #23 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Sheldon, I don't have AOL but have had trouble getting e-mail through
to a
friend of mine using AOL. She didn't get the messages and had never
any problems before. I believe AOL has recently touted that it now
has a
"spam blocker" - so perhaps you and I were victims of that. Just a


Nah, it's an AOL Parental Controls" issue... blocked email between
AOLers generates an immediate and specific response; "The recipient is
not accepting email from you at this time." I'd not be at all
surprised if Nancree also has my posts plonked too... and yet has the
unmitigated gall to invoke a response from me... Nancree is a total
waste of protoplasm, and has contributed nothing of any redeeming value
whatsoever to this Newsgroup, not ever, not even once.
