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Steve Calvin
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Johnny Mc wrote:
>>Ah, ok. Now I understand what you've got. No, that's definately not a
>>mead. hm, I've never made anything like that so I wouldn't really know.
>>I can see how you got a high % though with that. What'd it come out as
>>just out of curiousity. 18-20%?

> ABV is only about 9%, but it is way out of balance. If I would have made 1 2
> 1/2 gallon batch with it, it would have been much better.
> I may put some aside. I could siphon each bottle into a carboy and start
> adding honey. Not shure what that would do to it. I would have to devise a
> way to push it with CO2 and get all O2 out of the carboy first, or O2 will
> ruin it I am sure.

agreed. Try it in your dishes. You'll know very quickly if you can work
with it or not. Good luck!


Ever wonder about those people who spend $2.00 apiece on those little
bottles of Evian water? Try spelling Evian backwards...